September 2012

Today we had a meeting with the water committee so that they can decide who is responsible for maintaining the pumps. Tonight we made binyays and koliko with Mama – basically donut holes and French fries, respectively =]

Busy day! Maggie had a project where she built two wells in the community, so today the team came to install the pumps. It was really exciting to see the project get wrapped up. I also whitewashed my walls in the house, so now I can start hanging up pictures.

Went to the marché today and also printed out my ballot so that I can vote in the election! Also talked to Dad a little J

Started doing surveys of people in my village today – it helps give me project ideas, but most of all, it’s good just to get to know people in my community. I ask them questions about various agricultural practices, health, and education in the community. My counterpart, Simplice, comes with me so that he can translate from French to Kabiye and vice versa.

Thank you for all the phone calls, texts, cards, and Facebook birthday wishes! I am so unbelievably lucky to have such good friends and an amazing family. Thanks for the last 23 years – I wouldn’t be who I am today without all of you. Love you!!!
Today I washed some dishes, started reading Mockingjay, had pancakes for lunch, and spaghetti w/ cheese sauce, yellow cake w/ chocolate frosting & wine, all made by Maggie (not the wine haha) and we watched He’s Just Not That Into You. Such a good day =]

Today was Austin, my neighbor’s, birthday – we had spice cake. It rained the most it’s rained since I’ve been here.

Went to Kara today and got sick =/ But we picked up some essential food items and used the internet.

We went to the Cyber – pronounced “Sea Bear” in French haha (took me a little while to understand that one =] ) – it’s only 2k away, so hopefully I’ll get to use the internet somewhat regularly!

I got to my post late on September 14, so I’ve almost made it through two full days! Yesterday was marche day, so Maggie and I spent the morning doing laundry and relaxing, then we went to town and did some shopping. Mama sells beer at the marche, so we spent some time with her in her stand. Today we made a list of things I need to do before IST (my next training, which will be in November), listened to BBC, had oatmeal and coffee for breakfast, did more laundry (I have a lot…), and I listened to a sermon from home. Later today I am meeting with my counterpart, Simplice, to go over what we will be doing in the next couple weeks.
I still miss home a lot – it’s so weird to listen to Maggie talk about going home in a month, knowing that I have to wait two years before I’ll be talking about the same things. I’m planning on going home in May, and I am so excited, but I think it will be really hard to come back here. We will see.

I leave tomorrow guys! I finished up packing, and the van should come in about an hour to get all my stuff, then tomorrow morning I am headed off to my post. I am mostly excited, but it’s also going to be hard to leave everyone and get used to a new environment again.

SWEAR-IN DAY!!!!!! I officially become a volunteer today!!!
Talked to Lindsey Rose last night <3

I had my second technical presentation today! It went ok… I tried to teach eveyone big booty, but it is hard to explain in French and they had a hard time keeping the beat… haha, so we played a quick practice round and called it good. My presentation was on composting, and I was the last person out of 7 other 20 minute presentations to go… so I think the were all tuned out, but it was still good.

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