One Month "To Go" :)

On July 10 I leave for Togo, Africa! When I tell this to most people, they immediately ask where it is, so I included a map :) It is a sliver of a country in northwest Africa, bordered by Ghana and Benin.
I will be an Environmental and Food Safety Extension Agent, with most of my duties relating to the education of sustainable agricultural practices and animal husbandry. I can't believe I am leaving so soon - I am so excited! In the meantime I am getting in all the hamburgers, hot showers, and time with family and friends I can manage before I am gone for 27 months.
I will train in a larger city for the first two months, then I will find out where my official placement will be for the next two years. Chances are that I will not have running water or electricity. People in Togo speak French as their business language, but there are close to 60 different indigenous languages, so when I come home I will be able to speak two new languages.
Since I won't have electricity, I do not know how often I will be able to post, but I will do my best to keep you all updated! Thanks for all of your prayers, support, love, letters, and packages ;)
