January 2014

Back to village!

I traveled back up to Pagala for a short training on Peace Corps’ new reporting system.

I went down to Lomé for a barbeque that I bid on at our mid-service conference. I met up with seven or eight other volunteers at our country director’s house.

Julie and her friend Andrew came to visit. In the morning we made soja with my friend Sabine and in the afternoon Julie and Andrew hiked the mountain while I went to club. Club went a lot better this time. We reviewed everything we learned about last week and went over any questions they had.

Traditional fete in my village! I went to it last year, too, with Austin. It’s still just as great. It’s only for men and women who aren’t going to have children anymore. The men dress up in masks and anything else they can find laying around the house (duffel bags, etc.) They all meet at the Catholic church, the drummers play and everyone is singing, then when the drums stop, everyone runs in every direction and screams away all the evil spirits. Random, I stepped on a really sharp rock. It broke through my sandal and cut my foot. Ria.

I went to Kara and met with Nestor to pick up the estimation for the well. Exciting!

Market in Ketao… environmental club… typical Wednesday. Environmental club was… not good. We are learning about soil fertility, which is a whole lot of new vocabulary for me in French and sometimes I forget that there are ten year olds in my club and that they can’t understand some things as easily as 17 year olds. I was trying to explain the Ph scale and they were all looking at me with blank faces. :) Next week.


Went to Kara to celebrate Jesse’s birthday!